A Censored Prescription. 2020. Video, 3:04 minutes. Created as a fundraising edition for Printed Matter.
Dr. Li Wenliang was the first to sound the alarm about the escalation of what became known as COVID-19. Before his eventual death, he told the magazine Caixin: "I think a healthy society should not only have one kind of voice." Wenliang’s statement is uttered in various languages in Coco Fusco’s video A Censured Prescription. A murmur of a crowd is constructed out of voices from different locations, recorded while in quarantine. Voices belong to Fia Backstrom, Chang Yuchen, Coco Fusco, Nicolas Dumit Estevez, Chitra Ganesh, Emily Jacir, Paolo Javier, Tammy Nguyen, among many others, including Dr. Jane Kim of Brooklyn’s Kings County Emergency Room.
Video still from A Censored Prescription.
Licensing requests for publication of images of Fusco’s performances and videos are handled by The Artists Rights Society. https://arsny.com/licensing-requests/